Agricultural land lease consulting services in kenya
OCL business associates offers consulting services on agricultural land lease services.
leases land on long-term contracts to tenants and operators, providing them with a fantastic investment return (ROI).
We aim to provide them with the opportunity to lease land, without the need for major capital investment to access the land. By offering the ability to lease the land instead of owning it, clients can minimize investment risks whilst getting the best return possible.
There are multiple benefits of leasing land which include:
Low Capital Required
Reduced Debt Risk
Increased Scale and Efficiency
Lower Cost Per Unit of Production
Lease Tenure Matches Expected ROI
Lease as per Your Requirements
Tax Efficiency: Cost of Land as an Expense
Agricultural Tax Incentives
Avoids Bureaucracy & Uncertainty of Government Leases
Private Agreement: Business Not Politics
Avoids Ownership Issues e.g. Government Regulation, etc.
OCL business associates helps corporate and private clients seamlessly advance their businesses & interests in difficult-to-navigate markets in East Africa and across the region.
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Land lease in Kenya by a foreigner by OCL business associates