Company registration in Kenya by a foreigner by OCL business associates


To register a company in Kenya. The following are required.

  1. Proposed name of company.
  2. Nature of business and objectives of the company..
  3. Names of the Directors of the company.
  4. Names of the shareholders if different from the directors.
  5. Contact information of the directors and shareholders – Email address, Telephone number, postal address and residential addresses.
  6. Division of shares between the shareholders of the company.
  7. Class of shares issued by the company.
  8. Scans of Passport bio data and passport photo of directors and shareholders.
  9. Nominal capital of the company.
  10. Proposed physical address of the company.
  11. Proposed name of company.

We provide the following services to our clients in East Africa:

Incorporations, Business setup, Company secretarial, Bank account opening, Registered office, Serviced office, Work permits/visas, Accounting/bookkeeping, Payments/Treasury, Tax compliance, Tax advisory, Audit, HR services & payroll, Trustee services, Private funds structures, Family office services, Resident directorships, Technology/IT infrastructure services, and Virtual CFO

As a regional expert provider of corporate services, Ocl business associates helps corporates and private clients seamlessly advance their businesses and interests in difficult-to-navigate markets in east Africa .A single Infrastructure for Africa-wide Expansion. Start, Scale and Operate your business in every east  African country.