- Proposed Trade Mark name for name search approval.
- Proposed Art Work and Trade mark description. In soft and Hard copy
- Names of the applicant /s in Full.
- Postal address for the Applicant.
- Proposed Physical address of the Applicants. Address includes road, plot number, town, county / Country.
- Copy of Registration certificates where applicants is a Business.
Who can register a trademark in Kenya?
The following are eligible to register a Trademark In Kenya as long as they meet the threshold of the Act.
- Individuals.
- Legal firms
- Companies
- cooperatives.
- Society
What information is required to register a trademark in Kenya.
- Name of the individual, firm, cooperative society or company making the application.
- Nationality of the applicant. As this determines the cost.
- Representation of the proposed trade mark.
- Contact information of the applicant. Postal address, email address, Telephone number and physical address.
Categories of of Trade Marks in Kenya.
Trademarks in Kenya are categorized in accordance to the international Classification of goods and services as provided for under the NICE protocol.
A Trade Mark may be registered under any of the 45 Classes or a combination of any of the classes subject to the Nature of goods and services.
The following are generally excluded from registration.
- Marks whose use would be likely to deceive or cause confusion
- Marks that closely resemble registered trademarks and are proposed to be registered in respect of the goods or services covered under the prior similar registrations.
- Touch, scent, taste and sound marks.
- the words ‘patent’, ‘patented’, ‘registered’, ‘registered design’, ‘copyright’, ‘entered at Stationer’s Hall’, ‘to counterfeit this is a forgery’ or similar words.
- Representations of the head of state of any foreign state, or any colourable imitation thereof.
- The phrases ‘Red Cross’ or ‘Geneva Cross’ and representations of the Geneva and other crosses in red or the Swiss federal cross in white on a red background or silver on a red background, or such representations in a similar color or colors.
- Any specified emblems, likenesses and names under the National Flag, Emblems and Names Act (these may be registrable where the applicant obtains the written permission of the competent authority.
- Any honor, award, title or abbreviation of a title created by the president.
- Armorial bearings, insignia or flags of any foreign state or international intergovernmental organization.
- Any title or abbreviation of any international intergovernmental organization.
- Marks consisting of or containing the Olympic symbol.
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