A director can be removed in Kenya by way of a Special General Meeting. This involves calling a Special General Meeting with Special Notice (28 days). The Notice must be issued to all the Shareholders and Directors. This is involuntary resignation from the company
The meeting will then pass a Special Resolution for the removal of the director. The company must ensure that the Notice for the Meeting is served to the outgoing director. This can be through registered post or regular email address
You will be required to file the following documentation within fourteen (14)
(a) Copy of the twenty-eight (28) days special notice served under sections 139(2)
as read with 287 of the Companies Act or if it is not practicable to give that
notice provide a copy of fourteen (14) day notice of the resolution advertised
in a newspaper having a wide circulation in the area in which the company
carries on business or in any other manner allowed by the company’s articles;
(b) Proof of service of a copy of the special notice from the company to the
director giving the director at least twenty-one (21) days;
(c) Proof of service of notice for general meeting at least twenty-one (21) days
for private company and at least fourteen (14) days for public company;
(d) Form CR 19 containing extract of minutes confirming quorum and removal;
(e) Form CR 9 – Notice of cessation of office of director.
Contact ocl business associates for director removal in a private limited company. We draft all the documents for the directors shareholders to sign and we proceed with the process.
Kindly contact us today for director removal in a private limited company